You will need to provide the receipt from your parking pay station or the credit card used for payment along with your ticket. If you are looking for the best Salt Lake City, Utah payment processing solutions, please fill out the form below to get a consultation.Request a Consultation. If you need to file an answer in your debt collection case you can find one in the forms section below. You can also file an answer using MyCase. Definitions. Contact Discover® Personal Loans with any questions on personal loan basics, debt consolidation, or other personal loan topics. You may request a pay plan for individual income tax online at tap.utah. Gov, or over the phone at 801-297-7703 (800-662-4335 ext. 7703). If you're worried about how to get out of debt, here are some things to know — and how to find legitimate help. Use your USAO case number and payment information to complete the form.