A student loan payoff letter, also called a payoff statement or loan verification letter, outlines your loan's essential details. You are a student who has: • borrowed money to enroll at more than one college.• borrowed money at one college but transferred to another college. What is a Payoff Agreement? A payoff agreement is an informal contract in which a creditor agrees to accept the balance of a debt owed as full payment. A 10 day payoff is crucial to getting your old loans paid off during a refinance. Learn how it works from start to finish. The Federal Direct Loan Program provides eligibile students with Subsidized, Unsubsidized, or Parent Plus loans from the Department of Education. You must be enrolled in school at least half-time to receive Direct Loans and to keep your loan(s) out of repayment. Talk to one of our mortgage loan officers to get answers to any of your questions or to ask for advice at any stage of the mortgage process.