Reducing credit card debt isn't easy, but with the right strategy, you can get debt free more quickly! Visit CU SoCal for the best credit card debt tips.The loan payoff statement includes your principal balance, any outstanding interest due, and potentially any prepayment penalty (if applicable). Arrowhead Credit Union is one of California's fastest growing financial institutions offering our members better rates, lower fees and excellent service. When you owe tax debt, we automatically have a statutory lien that attaches to all California real or personal property you own or have rights to. Requesting a payoff statement is commonly the first step in paying off a loan. Different types of lenders will have varying formats for payoff statements. For Real Estate Loan payoffs, please call SDCCU at (877) 732-2848 to request a total payoff amount. Credit Union of Southern California is available whenever you need assistance. View answers to the most frequently asked questions from Orange County's Credit Union Members.