If your answer is YES to any of the following questions, you may NOT use this form: • Are you self-employed? A fictitious business name shall be filed within 40 days of first transacting business.Once registered, it is effective for 5 years. Attach copies of your pay stubs for the last two months and proof of any other income. The Business Registration Division operates under the City's Finance Department and issues all business registration certificates. Instructions: Complete this form when reporting all self-employment GROSS income received and expenses paid in a month. As an applicant for a position with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, you are required to complete this background questionnaire. May be self-employed in a leased or constant space (i.e. The application form must be thoroughly filled out and signed. The first step in collecting your restitution is to file an Order for Restitution and Abstract of Judgment (Form CR-110) with the court.