Submit on your company letterhead, with escrow officer's name and contact information. The FDIC may be able to assist you in obtaining a lien release if the request is for a customer of a failed bank that was placed into FDIC receivership.How to write a letter to bank lien holder to request removal of a lien. I have a mechanics lien on a vehicle; need to clear it. The claim of mechanics' lien asserted by. (name of claimant as printed on Contractor's License or Secretary of State records) against. Summary of California Lien Waiver and Release rules and requirements for construction projects including free forms, FAQs, resources and more. The simplest way to get a release of lien is to pay off the debt owed to the lienholder. A vehicle title with a lien from an out of business lienholder has a DMV hold on it until a lien release is obtained. How can I obtain a lien release if I lost or damaged my title?