Dear Direct Loan Borrowers,. Fill out an application for an income-driven repayment (IDR) plan or recertify your existing IDR plan to potentially lower your student loan payments.You may use the sample letter on the next page to ask your loan servicing company for more information about how to lower your monthly payment. Use the sample letter on the next page to tell your loan servicing company how you want the overpayment processed. How to use this template: 1. Federal Direct Loans allow you to borrow money directly from the Department of Education to fund your college tuition and expenses. This document confirms your agreement to repay the loan. The Health Professions Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) provides an incentive to new accessions to enter the Navy, and current active duty medical personnel. Federal Direct Loans allow you to borrow money directly from the Department of Education to fund your college tuition and expenses. Program Eligibility.