Owner Information: Date: Owner: Co-Owner: SDHC Loan No(s):. Use this application if you are applying for CalFresh benefits only.Fill out the whole application form, if you can. Online Watch a video to learn how to apply on the BenefitsCal website. Fill in the answers for all the questions about the benefits you are asking for. A collection of all the forms and and documents that are posted on the San Diego Housing Commission's (SDHC) website, listed in one location. Instructions: Complete this form when reporting all self-employment GROSS income received and expenses paid in a month. This form may be filled out and shared with the county to report household changes, such as income changes, address changes, changes to expenses, etc. Filling out this form is straightforward. Individuals can attempt to requalify for SSI and Medicaid benefits through a process known as a "spend down.