Depending on your lender, you may have to sign in to an online account, call a helpline, or send a formal letter to start the request process. There are four steps to take after your mortgage is paid off: 1.Check out your escrow statement. Q: What are the procedures to pay off my loan? A: The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) requires a written request for any loan payoff information. The mortgage payoff statement is a document that provides a comprehensive breakdown of the remaining balance on a mortgage. The Know Before You Owe mortgage disclosure rule replaces four disclosure forms with two new ones, the Loan Estimate and the Closing Disclosure. A payoff agreement is an informal contract in which a creditor agrees to accept the balance of a debt owed as full payment. In this post, I would like to discuss another method for clearing defects in title that can work just as effectively in certain circumstances. Ask for an estimated closing statement up-front.