In this post, I would like to discuss another method for clearing defects in title that can work just as effectively in certain circumstances. Owner Information: Date: Owner: Co-Owner: SDHC Loan No(s):.Do you need a loan payoff request form? What is a Payoff Agreement? A payoff agreement is an informal contract in which a creditor agrees to accept the balance of a debt owed as full payment. A payoff statement should include the name and address of the lender preparing the statement and be addressed to the lender that requested the payoff. Creating a payoff letter is essential to any loan or mortgage repayment process. Our free templates and this guide can help you get started. A: The San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) requires a written request for any loan payoff information. Enroll for child support, access case online, locate noncustodial parents, establish parentage, pay child support, free legal help, resources for families.