The payoff demand processing fee is paid in escrow. Please see more information in the Payoff Demand Instructions.The process and timelines for closure of a loan is much simpler and professional than what i experienced at HDFC Bank. The Vehicle Payoff Sample Letter form is a crucial document for individuals aiming to transfer their vehicle loan to the State Department Federal Credit Union. Move your business forward. Whether you're ready to upgrade to a new technology or need to replace an aging machine, we have options. Enclosed with this letter, you will find a formal payoff statement confirming the full satisfaction of your loan. Getting a mortgage qualification letter prior to looking for a new home in the Bay Area with an agent is an essential first step in the home buying process. The level of CD lending in the San Jose CSA AA was excellent. In the opinion of Bond Counsel, interest on the 2004 Bonds is includible in gross income for federal and.