If you ever need to prove that a debt is fully paid and can no longer be collected, then a paidinfull letter can be your best friend. Have you recently settled a debt and are searching for a paid in full letter?Good news, we've got two free sample form letters below. This program will help you write a letter that formally requests the money you are owed. This is called a Demand Letter. Use this letter to help you negotiate a full and final settlement offer with your lender. Point's home equity investment empowers homeowners who want a more flexible way to unlock their home equity. Find general resources for landlords participating in the HCV program here. Overview. So, a smart response for Sally would be to file an Answer to the lawsuit in court and reach out to LVNV Funding to work out a settlement plan. OneMain loan specialists in the Blossom Hill Rd branch in San Jose, CA are here to help with personal loan needs.