The City of San José processes requests for payoff demands of existing homebuyer and home repair loans, and affordability restrictions (i.e. A 10day payoff refers to the time it takes for your new lender to pay off your old loans during a refinance.The following is a list of some documents that may be recorded if they meet all requirements, and a description or definition of each document. Most escrow or title companies have a simple demand form you can request and fill out detailing the payoff. Once completed, note the SST number and come into our office to finish the process. After you pay off your mortgage, your lender should also return the original note to you. If you click on the form number in the first column you must print it to fill it out. A document through with the lender (beneficiary), owner, or holder of the note (loan) replaces a new Trustee in the Deed of Trust. Contact information for Oregon Community Credit Union. Providing personal, business and mortgage banking services to members in Oregon and Washington.