If you're worried about how to get out of debt, here are some things to know — and how to find legitimate help. The first step is to get in touch with your lender or loan servicer.You can find their contact information on your monthly statements. 4968 for personal assistance. Login and select Billing from the top menu bar. In Online Banking, click on your Account Name, then choose Show Full Account Number in the Account Details box at the far right. When you owe tax debt, we automatically have a statutory lien that attaches to all California real or personal property you own or have rights to. Fill out the form below and we'll follow up with you shortly. If you want to know what it will take to pay off a loan, you'll need to access a payoff statement (sometimes called a payoff letter). This is a Department Head position in the City's unclassified service, responsible for the overall management of the Department of Water and Sewer Utilities.