What are some of the key elements of a mortgage payoff letter? A payoff letter shows the remaining balance on your mortgage, including fees, interest, etc.Learn more about what a payoff quote is and how to request one. A payoff statement should include the name and address of the lender preparing the statement and be addressed to the lender that requested the payoff. A budget is a roadmap to plan your finances and keep track of where your money goes. Budgeting is a helpful tool whether you're working hard to make ends meet. A budget is a roadmap to plan your finances and keep track of where your money goes. Budgeting is a helpful tool whether you're working hard to make ends meet. One popular mistake when buying a home is changing jobs while you're in the process of receiving a mortgage loan. JACKSON SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA-UNLIMITED JURISDICTION ERNEST J. JACKSON Plaintiff, v.