Temporary Blocks of Debit Card AFTER hours (888) 241-2440. Real Estate Payoff Statement Request Contact Loan Servicing.Our Travis Quick-Pay service allows you to make a loan payment or credit card payment using a debit card, or your checking or savings account. We also offer automatic payments on credit card accounts, click here to submit a request to set up automatic payments for your credit card. The TCU credit card does not offer a "Payoff" button, and upon discussing this with the representative over the phone she was "calculating" the payoff. Additional monthly payments may make a difference and accelerate the payoff of your outstanding credit card debt. A publication to assist county Tax Assessor-Collectors with collection, remittance and regulations for Texas Motor Vehicle Sales and Use Tax. Complete Credit Report. Travis Credit Union Auto Loan Payoff Address. Standard and Overnight ​ 1 Travis Way Vacaville CA 95687.