Our Travis Quick-Pay service allows you to make a loan payment or credit card payment using a debit card, or your checking or savings account. How do I fill this out?Simply fill out our contact form, and one of our experts will get in touch with you soon. Do you know the difference between a promissory note vs a mortgage? Our goal is to create a statement that is easy to understand and that provides information to borrowers about current and past payments. The Loan Consultant feature determines the products and rates that match your needs. Please take a moment to answer the following questions. Many VITA offices have IRS representatives who can help you fill out your forms and then transmit the information on your forms electronically. Our Bank Statement Loans are designed for self-employed individuals, allowing you to qualify using your bank statements. USDA Rural Development's Section 502 Direct Loan Program provides a path to homeownership for low- and very-low-income families living in rural areas.