Please submit your request no later than 3 business days prior to your payment date to allow enough time to process your cancellation. A request for a payoff statement is not timely unless the trustee receives the request at least 10 business days before the trustee's sale.The mortgage discharge or lien release is recorded. Learn about each step in a Utah foreclosure, from missing your first payment to a foreclosure sale. Do you have questions? Step 1: Notify lender of intent to pay off mortgage including payoff date, expected payoff amount and seek consensus that this is the correct amount. With a 401(k) loan, you can avoid the early withdrawal penalty, but you'll be required to pay income taxes on the amount you withdraw. You'll also need to send us the endorsed claim check and a signed letter requesting that we use the claim proceeds to pay off your mortgage loan. We offer an array of options for making your mortgage payment online. It's easy to make a mortgage payment using PNC Online Banking and there is no fee.