When you pay off your vehicle loan, be sure that the lien release is noted on DMV's records and obtain an updated copy of your title. A payoff letter shows the remaining balance on your mortgage, including fees, interest, etc.Learn more about what a payoff quote is and how to request one. Fill out the form below to request a loan payoff letter. If you have any questions, please contact Loan Customer Service at 1-800-677-6272 option 5, option 2. Return signed form to the following address: P.O. Box 90010 Richmond VA, 23224 Attn: EFT Services or send via fax to 804-267-5414. Demand Payoff Request. Complete the form below to create a new request. Enroll in Automatic Payments. You can request a payoff statement online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.