When you pay off your vehicle loan, be sure that the lien release is noted on DMV's records and obtain an updated copy of your title. The Vehicle Payoff Sample Letter form is a crucial document for individuals aiming to transfer their vehicle loan to the State Department Federal Credit Union.Getting Your Title After Paying Off Your Vehicle Loan. If you are looking to payoff your vehicle, there is a sample letter form that you can use as a guide. The letter should be professional and informative. When your loan is paid off, your lender will send the lien release to the DMV. Your account number is provided with the loan details in the welcome letter that you receive in the mail after your new loan is funded. How long does it take to fill out the form to apply for an auto loan from Navy Federal? It typically takes less than 10 minutes to complete an application. It's the same as a payoff letter, but it can be used when you're paying off a loan that involves collateral, such as a home or a car.