When you pay off your vehicle loan, be sure that the lien release is noted on DMV's records and obtain an updated copy of your title. The Vehicle Payoff Sample Letter form is a crucial document for individuals aiming to transfer their vehicle loan to the State Department Federal Credit Union.When you pay off your vehicle loan, the lender has 10 days to notify you and must send you the title showing your lien as satisfied. Once you pay off your loan, your lienholder will send you an official release of lien letter. A lender's payoff statement or letter will show the amount you need to pay to completely close out the loan. A 10day payoff statement tells you the amount you owe toward your loan in order for the loan to be closed and marked as "paid in full." What is a car title lien? After I pay off my vehicle loan, when will I get my title? If you are looking to payoff your vehicle, there is a sample letter form that you can use as a guide. The letter should be professional and informative.