The last month and year-to-date figures for the "Past Payments Breakdown" section of the mortgage statement are populated from this file. Your mortgage statement contains important information about your loan balance and monthly payments.See what's included in this guide. This form is furnished to give you a statement of actual settlement costs. Balances Prior to Billing Transactions are Shown Below – Displays balances, as of the statement date, for the following accounts: • Principal. A mortgage statement is an accounting of all of the details about your mortgage, including the current balance owed, interest charges, interest rate changes. Learn how to read mortgage statements to help clients track payments, avoid errors, and manage their mortgages efficiently. A periodic statement covering an entire month may be used. Such statement would separately list the upcoming payment due dates and amounts due. Creditors must give the required disclosures to the consumer in writing, in a form that the consumer may keep, before consummation of the transaction.