Your retirement allowance is terminated until you re-retire in the future . If it has been more than nine months since you left employment, the date you enter cannot be earlier than the first day of the month you submit this form.Here you will find information on benefits available to City employees and their eligible dependents. An employee accruing vacation at a rate of 20 working days per year may receive equivalent cash payment for up to 10 vacation days per fiscal year. You must also include your last day of work, vacation or compensated approved leave on your application, which must be before your retirement date. Welcome. 4. Part One: Introductory Information. Handbook Use and Purpose. 4. Until 90 calendar days after their first day of employment with Alameda CTC. The Alameda County Employee's Retirement Association is recruiting to fill the position of Retirement Support Specialist. We participate in the State Teachers' Retirement System (STRS) and Public Employees Retirement System (PERS).