The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) assists Allegheny County residents, 60 years of age and older, to live safe, healthy and, when possible, independent lives. How the Caregiver Support Program Works.You call the Allegheny County DHS Area Agency on Aging SeniorLine at 412-350-5460 or 1-800-344-4319. The Department of Aging administers all aging programs and services for older Pennsylvanians across the commonwealth. Statewide forms for Adoptions, Audits, Guardianships, and many other Orphans' Court matters can be obtained from the Unified Judicial System website. Do you suspect elder abuse or abuse of an adult living with a disability? Adoption Forms, A-01 Notice of orphans court petition filing, A-02 Notice of orphans court order, A-03 Notice of orphans court appeal filing. You will need to logged into your Allegheny College account to access these forms. This may not be the account into which you are logged in to your phone, Neighborhood Legal Services provides free civil legal services to low income individuals and families who are unable to afford a private attorney.