Generally, an ERISA plan participant can select just about anyone to be their beneficiary. The Summary Plan Description (SPD) should include your plan's claims procedures.Usually, you fill out the required paperwork and submit it to the plan. I learned that retirement account and life insurance beneficiary designations usually supersede any designations you have in your will. ASRS members who are married are required to name their spouse as a primary beneficiary with at least 50 percent of the benefit. Learn about retirement benefits in Arizona and divorce, the ASRS retirement system and the role that a QDRO plays in divorce proceedings in this state. It's in an ERISA account owner's best interest to have specific beneficiaries designated in retirement accounts. This will facilitate the transfer of assets. A beneficiary designation involves naming the person who will directly receive an asset in the event of the death of its owner. Your retirement accounts may have to go through a long and costly probate process unless you designate your beneficiaries in the right way.