Learn about the ERISA DOL and retirement plan audit services offered to businesses in Phoenix, Tucson, and across Arizona. Learn about the ERISA Audit and benefit plan audit services offered to Tucson and Phoenix 401k plan sponsors - Arizona ERISA Audit - Phoenix, AZ 85001.Dynamic name search: Find 5500s even if the plan sponsor's name changed. For example, Federal, state, or local government plans and some church plans are not covered. Use the links on the right of this page to learn more about how to search for unclaimed retirement benefits and steps to take before contacting PBGC. A governmental retirement plan must meet certain minimum benefit or contribution standards to qualify as a public retirement system. Learn how to request your ERISA plan documents with our step-by-step guide. Protect your rights and access crucial information today! The 5500 was filled out incorrectly, which delayed its acceptance. If you are denied benefits or dropped from coverage, you could lose out on benefits in retirement, including health benefits.