The County Clerk's Office manages the Official Records Search, a free online database where documents can be searched and viewed online. A QDRO is a legal order subsequent to a divorce or legal separation that splits and changes ownership of a retirement plan.Dynamic name search: Find 5500s even if the plan sponsor's name changed. Bexar County offers employees a competitive salary, retirement, and benefits. This Legislative Brief provides tips on how employers can determine the plan name, plan number and plan year for their employee benefit plans. This document addresses requirements that an individual must satisfy in order to have a legal claim under the EEO statutes. Margaret Thompson filed a petition for divorce from her husband, Paul, in state court for the 73rd Judicial District, Bexar County, Texas. ERS works to support current and former state employees through the State of Texas defined benefit retirement plan. Call the Texas Municipal Retirement System or TMRS at 1.800. 924.8677 to request your personalized retirement estimate.