In Thailand, retirement is deemed to be a termination of employment, entitling employees to a severance payment. The Thai retirement visa for US citizens is issued to retirees or applicants who wish to visit and retire in the Kingdom of Thailand.Section 218-2.1(a) is amended to read: It is unlawful for any person to sell or register, offer for sale or lease, import, deliver, purchase, rent, lease,. Though incorporated as a university since its founding, Boston. What else does the treaty provide? The Thai retirement visa for US citizens is issued to retirees or applicants who wish to visit and retire in the Kingdom of Thailand. Prior to BSI, Tim he spent 5 years working in the legal publisher LexisNexis in the strategy department. These cases are most commonly filed in the Family Courts of Bronx and Brooklyn. Part of the Solution (POTS)'s mission is to be a loving community in the Bronx that nourishes the basic needs and hungers of all who come to its door.