ERISA law ensures plan members receive a summary description of benefits, have appeal rights, and can file a suit for unpaid claims. Fort Lauderdale ERISA claims lawyer Martin J. Sperry can help you explore all of your legal options when an insurer acts in bad faith.Generally, you must pay all of the costs from providers up to the deductible amount before this plan begins to pay. Reimbursement disputes between healthcare providers and payers involving outofnetwork claims have increased sharply in recent years. However, seeing an out- of-network provider will likely cost you more. ERISA restricts the ability of states to enact laws that relate to employee welfare benefits, including employer-sponsored health insurance coverage. And 651, Florida Statutes, except as set forth in the HMO Act itself. ? ERISA Lien Personal Injury Claims Require Legal Attention. An ERISA lien can take a big chunk out of your injury settlement.