The FRS Pension Plan is a defined benefit plan, in which you are guaranteed a benefit at retirement if you meet certain criteria. In the FRS Investment Plan, you and your employer make a monthly contribution for your retirement based on your salary and membership class.What is a Pretax Benefit Plan? Use the 401(k) Savings Calculator to determine how much your contributions will accumulate over time. Employer match in BROWARD HOUSE 401(K) PLAN. Optional Retirement Program had a HIS contribution included in their employer contribution rate deposited to their retirement account while they were working. The FRS Investment Plan lets employees decide how to allocate employers' monthly contributions among one or more investment funds. Please Note: Employee contributions in the Cash Balance Pension Plan as of. 457b Roth payroll contributions are made on a post-tax basis and give you more flexibility when it comes to meeting your retirement income goals. Actuarial valuation of the Retirement Plan for Employees of South Broward Hospital District.