The Investment Plan directs contributions to individual member accounts, and you allocate your contributions and account balance among various investment funds. In the FRS Investment Plan, you and your employer make a monthly contribution for your retirement based on your salary and membership class.While in the DROP, you earn a salary while your monthly retirement benefits are held in the FRS Trust Fund on your behalf. Deferred compensation is an enhancement to retirement benefits allowing you to save money for your retirement today and defer income taxes on those savings. The information provided in this guide is based on the Florida. Retirement System (FRS) Pension Plan laws and rules in existence as of July 2024. • Sign and date on side 2. The Florida Deferred Compensation Plan is an excellent way to increase retirement security. The Florida Deferred Compensation Plan is a supplemental retirement plan for Government employees in the State of Florida. Estimate your benefit amount, determine when to apply, and explore other factors that may affect your retirement planning.