You can apply up to 4 months before you want your retirement benefits to start. You must be at least 62 for the entire month to receive benefits.Percentages are approximate due to rounding. You must be at least 62 years of age and your spouse must be collecting Social Security retirement, or disability benefits. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 made some changes to Social Security's laws about filing for retirement and spousal benefits. To retire you must meet two requirements: age and service credit . Your minimum retirement age depends on your retirement formula: 50, 52, or 55 . Apply for your monthly retirement benefit any time between age 62 and 70. As a California public school educator, you do not pay into Social Security, so you will not receive Social Security benefits for your CalSTRS-covered position. You can get Social Security retirement benefits and work at the same time before your full retirement age.