Employer registration deadlines. The Illinois Secure Choice is a mandatory statesponsored retirement savings program.The five years may include service with the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) or the Chicago Teach- ers' Pension Fund (CTPF). You can obtain additional credit towards your retirement through purchases of optional service or repayment of refunds. (Special rules apply to Roth accounts and SIMPLE IRAs.) Self-employed plans can typically be rolled over to another qualified retirement plan or to an IRA. Q: What documents will I be required to provide when I apply for my retirement annuity? The City of Chicago offers a Section 457 deferred compensation plan. This plan aligns the retirement age for city workers with the private sector. Employers tell us this program lets them provide retirement savings to their employees in a manageable way. The Retirement Board ("Board") of the Municipal Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago.