Not enrolled in the 403b or 457? To enroll in the College's 403b, please reach out to Bentley Craft at 972.567.Dynamic name search: Find 5500s even if the plan sponsor's name changed. File Form 5500 to report information on the qualification of the plan, its financial condition, investments and the operations of the plan. ERISA is a federal law that covers administrative aspects of employee benefit and retirement plans. Form 5500 is filed with the DOL and contains information about a 401(k) plan's financial condition, plan qualifications, and operation. Retirement plans must file certain forms and reports with the IRS and the Department of Labor and send out notices to plan participants and certain others. As an "employer," a group or association, as well as a PEO, can sponsor a defined contribution retirement plan for its members. To complete 750 hours of service in such period, such employee shall complete 1 year of service in the first. Free Prospecting Tools. FreeERISA.