Cuyahoga County provides Basic Group Term Life Insurance to each eligible full-time employee unless other benefits are provided through your union contract. To get started simply fill out the contact form below or give us a call.We're happy to help! OPERS provides age and service retirement, disability benefit and survivor benefit programs for public employees throughout the state. OPERS: Your Pension System. The Ohio Public Employees Retirement System has been providing retirement benefits to Ohio's public employees since 1935. Explore options for retirement plans, life events, manage your retirement savings during a life event, plan administration, maintain retirement plans. Life insurance retirement plans (LIRPs) allow you to use the cash value for loans, withdrawals, surrender or even to pay the policy's premiums. Use the My Interactive Retirement Planner SM to find out how your financial decisions, assets and plan might affect your retirement. One- or two-life annuity with guaranteed period - guarantees income for up to 20 years, as long as the period you choose does not exceed your life expectancy.