Place Value: Decimals. Residence Homestead Exemption Application (includes Age 65 or Older, Age 55 or Older Surviving Spouse, and Disabled Person Exemption).Programs and services are designed for people who age 60 or older, their family members, and other caregivers. To apply for the variance, print the request form and fax the filled out form to Public Works Operations at 972-462-5199, or mail to 816 S Coppell Road. In this video I'm going to cover how to write decimals in expanded form using decimals. 990-EZ. Short form tax return for a nonprofit's activities, finances, and governance. Filers in Dallas County can now e-file an Uncontested Divorce Without Children and Adult Name Changes through Guide and File! Also complete this part for any additional information. (See instructions.) Part VI Supplemental Information. In a comprehensive and systematic manner.