Call 214-219-4220 for help with applying for ERISA-covered benefits. Contact attorney Mark A. Ticer in Dallas.To divide retirement plans that are subject to ERISA, a Qualified Domestic Relations Order, or QDRO, is needed. A federal law called ERISA allows the state of Texas to apply community property laws to retirement plans during a divorce asset division. Unlock the complexities of dividing retirement benefits in divorce. After the court grants a divorce that includes a division of an ERISA-governed retirement plan, an additional step exists. A QDRO to divide retirement in divorce must comply with ERISA, US department of labor regulations, IRS regulations, state law and the retirement plan. We provide divorcing spouses with guidance on how the decisions they make will affect their finances both immediately and in the future. From divorce mediation to litigation, our family law attorneys in Dallas have the depth and breadth of knowledge that only a seasoned divorce lawyer possesses. A QDRO is a legal order subsequent to a divorce or legal separation that splits and changes ownership of a retirement plan.