Call 703-324-7450, TTY 711 to report Abuse, Exploitation, or Neglect of an adult who is 60 years or older or is 18 years and older and incapacitated. Fairfax County, Virginia - Information on electronically filing civil court records in Fairfax Circuit Court.If your child is currently enrolled in FCPS, please submit a withdrawal form to the school registrar and return all FCPS items. Just fill out the form and one of our senior living experts will be in touch within 24 hours. Q: How do I apply for membership? A: There is a singular form that you must fill out at the front desk of the center. Calculate how much you can expect to pay in property taxes on your home in Fairfax County, Virginia. Compare your rate to the state and national average. This manual does not include guidance about Medicaid Long-term Services and. Supports (LTSS) screenings.