Click below to open the menu of forms available to new, active, and retired employees. We help you create, implement and manage an all-encompassing plan designed to achieve your goals.The Application Process for Retirement from Fairfax County involves completion of a "Retirement Packet". Need help planning for retirement? Find a qualified retirement planner in Fairfax County, VA. Get advice on 401k, IRA, and other retirement plans. Virginia Retirement System for Members and Retirees. Many federal employees living in Fairfax County may have both a defined contribution plan via a TSP, 457 or 403(b) and a federal pension. Business license taxes are levied annually and are typically based on a business's gross receipts. The Town of Vienna offers an optional Payroll Roth IRA plan to all full- and part-time, permanent employees. The program is administered through ICMA-RC.