Generally, an ERISA plan participant can select just about anyone to be their beneficiary. The retirement benefits shall be provided through member-directed investments, in accordance with s.Usually, you fill out the required paperwork and submit it to the plan administrator, who then can tell you what your benefits will be and when they will start. Ask your employer in writing for a copy of each document which explains how to designate a beneficiary under the plan. The SPD states that to designate a beneficiary, the employee must complete, sign and date a beneficiary designation card ("the "Card"). ○ The spouse must be the beneficiary of the participant's full benefit unless the spouse has consented to the alternative beneficiary. Your beneficiary is the person or persons you can designate who will receive your retirement benefit in the event of your death. It's worth noting that ERISAqualified plans aren't always protected. Your spouse has an account in the retirement Plan noted.