Learn more about the conditions that allow individuals to take distributions from a specified retirement plan without the usual early withdrawal tax penalty. With 20 years of service credit, you can apply for early retirement regardless of your age.For the full retirement benefit, you must be 62 years old at retirement or, if you have 30 years of credited service, you may retire as early as age 55. Members are eligible for a retirement benefit when they have accrued at least 10 years of service credit for time worked, and they have reached the age of 60. Early Retirement: Age 55 and vested (one reduction factor will be applied). The early retirement. How to fill out retirement forms. In general, if you participate in the Age 55 Retirement. If you'd prefer a gradual transition into retirement, consider participating in the Voluntary Phased Staff Retirement Program. If you are no longer working in a public position you may be eligible for a refund of your accumulated deductions.