For assistance with completing forms and documents, please contact your financial professional or Franklin Templeton. Retirement Services at (800) 527-2020.Participants should refer to the Plan Document and Summary Plan Description for more complete information, which is available from the Plan Administrator. The Department of Labor has indicated that most SIMPLE IRA plans are also subject to Title I of the Employee. For assistance with completing your application, please contact your financial advisor or Franklin Templeton Retirement Services at (800) 527-2020. 1. For assistance in choosing an allocation or filling out your form, please call us at 800 842-2776. Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. Participants age 50 or older may elect to make catchup contributions. Participants in the Plan may also elect to make rollover contributions. However, plans may allow employees to begin participation before reaching age 21 or completing one year of service.