The Department of Senior Services connects Fulton County Seniors to the right resources. These resources aid goals for active aging, care, and independence.STARline (Soaring through Resources Aging Resources) is a free information and referral service for Fulton County seniors aged 60 and above. The Fulton Co. Office for Aging is the alternate certifier for Fulton County HEAP. Anyone who is over the age of 60 can apply for HEAP at the Office for Aging. The following links contain information regarding how to apply for programs that can help older adults live healthier, happier, and more productive lives. The link below will give you more information and help you apply for benefits. Provides home delivered meals to lowincome and homebound older adults Tuesday through Saturday. Senior SNAP ; Online: Log on to Georgia Gateway at We serve as aging advocates, health insurance counselors, caregiver supporters, assessors for services, and NYConnects hub for Fulton County.