Return your completed Form PTAX-340 to your CCAO's office or mail it to the address printed on the bottom of Page 2. There are many things to consider when leaving a job, whether planned or unplanned, including deciding what to do with your current 401k.If this form is not received within three months, the child will be withdrawn and not permitted to attend school until the requirement is met. If you need help, call the Office for Aging at 518-736-5650. HEAP applications were mailed out in August to those who received the benefit the previous year. He could talk about his work with The Elders, a group of former world leaders, or a trip out West to go trout fishing with Ted Turner. These are electronic federal tax forms, equivalent to a paper 1040 and are designed for taxpayers who are comfortable filling out IRS tax forms. Any proposal not so withdrawn shall constitute. Renewal applications shall be made in the same manner as the initial application period. • Applies to Fulton operations.