3.4 Rule 48 (1) (b) of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 :- At any time after a. Government servant has completed thirty (30) years' qualifying service, he may be.By submitting your paperwork early, your personnel and payroll offices can complete their actions as soon as possible after your retirement date. If you have not reached your 20 years covered Law Enforcement or Fire Fighter service and reach the age 57, you must retire in the month you reach your 20 years. The Office of Human Resources (OHR) coordinates the administration of all personnel related tasks for Howard County Government. Fulton County Mileage Expense Form. (h). Duran Arthur Brown is a 44yearold man who pleaded guilty to a nonviolent offense. Liberal leave will be in effect for Howard County Government all day. Coverage eligibility: military, federal, outofstate, municipal, private school, exempted, and early retirement incentive credit. Satisfying the requirements for an early or normal retirement benefit, becomes disabled in the line.