The Summary Plan Description (SPD) should include your plan's claims procedures. Usually, you fill out the required paperwork and submit it to the plan.Self-directed 401k falls under federal code (ERISA) and 401k anti-alienation protection. 401k retirement assets are shielded from creditors in Georgia. Each tax year, you may be required to fill out Form 5500, depending on the type of plan you choose. Plans covered under ERISA include 401(k)s, pensions, deferred compensation plans and profitsharing plans. Here's what you need to know. ERISAqualified plans offer robust protection from creditors because you can't set them up yourself. Our mission is to be the guardian of the State of Georgia's retirement plans and promote a dignified retirement. This GRIST provides a basic primer on ERISA's preemption of state laws, including various exceptions, exclusions and court rulings.