Information for British citizens moving to or living in Georgia, including guidance on residency, healthcare and driving. Here is everything you need to know if you're thinking about retiring in the United Kingdom so that you can plan ahead.Under the annual retirement test, you can still get all benefits due for the year if your earnings do not exceed the annual exempt amount. This Service Retirement Application may be used only for the Legislative Retirement System. You can visit Georgia without a visa for up to one year. To stay longer or to travel for work or study, you must apply for a longer-term visa. This article lists the statutory retirement age in different countries. If you want to have Georgia state taxes withheld, in the line 2 section check one box indicating your filing status and fill in the number of exemptions. This article lists the statutory retirement age in different countries. There is no legal retirement age, and employers can no longer force their employees to retire at a particular age.