When you can take money from your pension pot will depend on your pension scheme's rules, but it's usually after you're 55. Can you afford an early retirement?Yes. The earliest you can take your benefits is age 55. You can currently retire from the Scheme as early as age 55, although the government has announced that this will increase to age 57 from 2028. If you retire early, or stop work due to redundancy, ill-health or other reasons, your State Pension and other pensions you're entitled to may be affected. The earliest age you can take your pension will increase from age 55 to 57 from 6 April 2028. This will apply to flexible retirement too. We'll help you understand UK retirement rules, when you'll be eligible to retire, what benefits you'll receive and the steps to give your notice. You can choose to claim your pension early any time after your pension scheme's early retirement age. Paddington's popularity surges among UK adults after new movie release.