Most jobs take Social Security taxes out of your paycheck so you can get a monthly benefit in your 60s. She's suggesting an historic change in the health care system for older adults and some younger people with disabilities.Learn more about Donald Trump's and Kamala Harris' stances on retirement issues like Social Security, Medicare, drug prices, taxes and more. Vice President Kamala Harris outlined a new proposal for home health care on "The View" on Tuesday, describing a Medicare expansion plan. The vice president is expected to announce the proposal on "The View. " Kamala Harris speaks. In the leadup to the presidential election, candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are talking about big changes to Medicare. The earnings test applies to everyone who receives Social Security benefits but has not yet reached full retirement age (currently 66). Thank you so much for inviting me to speak on the topic of retirement security and the wellbeing of older Americans. The presidential election is only two weeks away -— November 5, 2024.