The Hennepin County Supplemental Plan offers a variety of investment options to help you build a diversified portfolio. Visit the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) website to view more plan details, estimate {EELABEL1} pension benefit, or apply for benefits payment.TRA is a defined-benefit ("DB") pension plan. This summary plan booklet describes the benefits available to Tier 1 and 2 members who elected coverage under the Legislative and Executive Retirement Plan. AnokaHennepin has an optional 403(b) retirement plan available to all employees. Contributions are tax deferred. The Minnesota Homestead Credit Refund can provide relief to homeowners paying property taxes. This report will focus on phases II and. III – retirement and the late life spend-down of assets, including health care and long-term care. If you can show reasonable cause, you may ask us to reissue your property tax refund check for up to five years after the original check date.