A lawyer should understand the differences between Inactive and Retired status and how those choices could impact their future plans. Your attorney will want to understand your complete financial picture.They may ask you to gather specific documents to share at your first meeting. If you have a question about a pension, 401(k), or other retirement plan, a pension counseling project may be able to provide you with free legal assistance. If an attorney qualifies for an exemption based on inactive, retired, or disability inactive status, the MCLE Board records this exemption for the attorney. Understand the basics of retirement benefits and relevant tax issues specific to planning with retirement assets in an elder law context. If you don't hire a Social Security lawyer, you may be missing out on your maximum retirement benefits. The amount also depends on whether you choose to begin receiving retirement benefits at age 62. State law now requires every Illinois employer with five or more employees to offer their own retirement program or facilitate Secure Choice. If you have retirement funds or pensions and want to get a divorce, make sure you have a Park Ridge, IL divorce attorney on your side.